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Emily Henkel

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Dreaming Of A Safari In Kenya On Your ILP Semester?

Posted by Emily Henkel on 11/23/23 3:06 PM

For our ILP volunteers who are living in Uganda for a semester, we love all the things to do in that country, but sometimes adding a new country to your "been there" list is just too hard to resist.

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Topics: Africa

Take A Quick Trip To London, England

Posted by Emily Henkel on 11/20/23 2:47 PM

What isn’t there to love about London? We've planned out the top sites, have a few suggestions on saving a little money, and have recommendations on where to find the best sandwiches (and other tips). 

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Topics: Europe

Annecy, France (Not Venice) Is The Most Charming Canal City In Europe

Posted by Emily Henkel on 11/16/23 3:47 PM

If you’re into pastel buildings floating between idyllic canals, you should be heading to France, not Italy. 

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Topics: Europe

Cliff Jumping In Somoto Canyon, Nicaragua

Posted by Emily Henkel on 11/2/23 11:41 AM

Swim between slot canyons, go cliff jumping, and body raft down the rapids — we love the adrenaline rush of Somoto Canyon! 

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Topics: Central America

See Erupting Volcanoes While Hiking In Guatemala

Posted by Emily Henkel on 10/20/23 11:51 AM

Seeing lava erupt out of Volcán de Fuego may be the most epic hike you can take on an ILP vacation!

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Topics: Central America

What Do You Wear While Teaching With ILP?

Posted by Emily Henkel on 10/16/23 10:45 AM

Besides the construction paper and glue sticks in your suitcase, you should also be packing stuff to wear on vacations and in the classroom.

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Topics: Get Ready For Your ILP Trip, All About ILP + Volunteering, Teaching With ILP

Our Favorite Himalayan Treks To Take While In India

Posted by Emily Henkel on 10/6/23 12:09 PM

A visit to northern India isn't complete without some mountain time — luckily for you, we've outlined our favorite weekend treks to take in the famous Himalayas. 

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Topics: Asia

Island Hop To Tanna While You're In Vanuatu

Posted by Emily Henkel on 10/3/23 12:18 PM

If you love the idea of escaping to another island on a vacation, then the adventures in Tanna are exactly what you're looking for.

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Topics: South Pacific

Extra Ways To Help On Your ILP Semester In India

Posted by Emily Henkel on 9/30/23 4:13 PM

Teaching English is just one way to make an impact while you're in India.

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Topics: Asia, Orphanage + Humanitarian

How Does Teaching Work With ILP?

Posted by Emily Henkel on 9/25/23 10:23 AM

International Language Programs has been around for over thirty years providing service opportunities for college-aged volunteers to travel and experience another part of the world. But it's how you're helping that makes the biggest impact. 

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Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, Teaching With ILP, For The Parents

Hey friends!

We are ILP, a Utah-based non-profit org that has service abroad opportunities for college-age volunteers. We love travel so we're sharing all our tips for making the most of your time living abroad + seeing the world, and how to do it all on the tiniest budget.

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