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When Should I Apply If I Want To Go To …

Posted by Jen King on 6/5/24 12:08 PM

Have your eye on a specific country you want to volunteer in during your semester abroad with International Language Programs?

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Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, For The Parents

The Only Gift Guide You Need For Anyone Who Loves To Travel

Posted by Jen King on 11/13/23 9:35 AM

Looking for a few gifts for a travel lover? Or even for yourself? We talked to the travelers we know about what they're asking for Christmas, graduation gifts, birthdays, and more — here's the complete list!

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Topics: Get Ready For Your ILP Trip, For The Parents

How Does Teaching Work With ILP?

Posted by Emily Henkel on 9/25/23 10:23 AM

International Language Programs has been around for over thirty years providing service opportunities for college-aged volunteers to travel and experience another part of the world. But it's how you're helping that makes the biggest impact. 

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Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, Teaching With ILP, For The Parents

Quick ILP Facts You Need To Know

Posted by Emily Henkel on 9/6/23 1:45 PM

Since you're here, we're guessing you're wondering what a trip with ILP would be like right? Here's some quick info to cover all your questions!

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Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, For The Parents

All About eSIMs + Why You Might Need One For Your Next Trip

Posted by Jen King on 2/21/23 3:46 PM

The newest technology in communication is making things much more convenient for international travelers. It's just one more option for staying connected while you're abroad — here's everything you need to know.

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Topics: All The Travel Tips, All About ILP + Volunteering, For The Parents

Here's How To Choose The Perfect ILP Country For You

Posted by Abbey Krzymowski on 4/16/22 3:00 PM

With SO many options, are you looking for a little help choosing the right country for you? Whether you're looking for your own semester (or are a parent trying to help), these five guidelines are here to help. 

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Topics: Asia, Central America, Europe, Caribbean, For The Parents, Africa, South Pacific

Can My Mom Mail Me A Package While I'm Living Abroad?

Posted by Jen King on 7/27/21 7:15 AM

Here’s what you — er, I guess your parents and friends — need to know about sending a package to you while you’re living abroad. 

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Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, For The Parents

My Volunteer Lost Their Wallet — Now What?

Posted by Abbey Krzymowski on 2/26/21 12:04 PM

There's nothing worse for parents then when they have a child living in another country and something goes wrong—like losing their wallet. It's difficult to know how to make things better from so far away, but here are some very helpful things for parents to do in this specific situation. 

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Topics: Get Ready For Your ILP Trip, All The Travel Tips, All About ILP + Volunteering, For The Parents

ILP For The Parents

Posted by Emily Henkel on 2/4/21 8:15 AM

International Language Programs (ILP for short) is a non-profit program that has 30+ years of experience sending volunteers abroad. We have a team of directors who oversee the program and are also parents. ILP's directors have sent their own children on the ILP program, so we get where you're coming from and understand the concerns.

We are here to help you get your questions answered. 

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Topics: For The Parents

Being Proactive About Your Safety While Traveling Abroad

Posted by Abbey Krzymowski on 12/28/20 10:00 AM

No matter where you are, even at home, there are safety risks. But when traveling abroad, away from all things familiar, it is even more essential to be vigilant and proactive in order to minimize the risks. 

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Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, For The Parents

Hey friends!

We are ILP, a Utah-based non-profit org that has service abroad opportunities for college-age volunteers. We love travel so we're sharing all our tips for making the most of your time living abroad + seeing the world, and how to do it all on the tiniest budget.

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