ILP isn’t just for when you’re single — we have countries all over that you can volunteer in with your spouse!
ILP isn’t just for when you’re single — we have countries all over that you can volunteer in with your spouse!
Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering
Topics: Central America, Europe, All About ILP + Volunteering, Caribbean, Africa, South Pacific, South America
Besides the construction paper and glue sticks in your suitcase, you should also be packing stuff to wear on vacations and in the classroom.
Topics: Get Ready For Your ILP Trip, All About ILP + Volunteering, Teaching With ILP
What's it like to volunteer in Uganda, Africa? After volunteering here for a few months, Anna answered some questions about her experience.
Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, Africa
International Language Programs has been around for over thirty years providing service opportunities for college-aged volunteers to travel and experience another part of the world. But it's how you're helping that makes the biggest impact.
Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, Teaching With ILP, For The Parents
Topics: Central America, Europe, All About ILP + Volunteering, Saving Money + Fundraising
Since you're here, we're guessing you're wondering what a trip with ILP would be like right? Here's some quick info to cover all your questions!
We're really excited about all the ways volunteers can make an impact in Uganda. Of course you'll get the classic ILP experience of helping local kindergarteners learn English ... but there's so much more in store.
Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, Africa
You'll find so many incredible adventures as you volunteer, but we understand that there is a lot to consider when it comes to timing and deciding if this experience is a good fit for you.
Topics: Get Ready For Your ILP Trip, All About ILP + Volunteering
We are ILP, a Utah-based non-profit org that has service abroad opportunities for college-age volunteers. We love travel so we're sharing all our tips for making the most of your time living abroad + seeing the world, and how to do it all on the tiniest budget.