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Tips For Snow College Students Wanting To Volunteer With ILP

Posted by Abbey Krzymowski on 6/2/20 9:54 AM

Are you a going to school at Snow College but want to take a semester off to volunteer with ILP? You might be able to still get school credit for your time abroad. Here's some helpful info to consider + how to get the process started.

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Topics: Get Ready For Your ILP Trip, All About ILP + Volunteering, Tips For Your Twenties

Create A Book Of Mormon Full Of Memories

Posted by Abbey Krzymowski on 5/22/20 8:49 AM

Spending a semester abroad? Hopefully you're planning to capture and collect memories of your travels in several different ways. But have you thought about using your Book of Mormon as one of them?

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Topics: LDS, Tips For Your Twenties

Travel The World With A Semester Abroad

Posted by Auvi Evans on 5/18/20 9:29 AM

One of the most unique things about volunteering with ILP is that you get to spend an entire semester abroad — and in my opinion it's way better than just visiting for two weeks. 

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Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, Tips For Your Twenties

Spray A Little Bleach On Your ILP Sweatshirt To Get This Rad Look

Posted by Jen King on 5/8/20 4:34 PM

I'm definitely on board with and love the bleaching trend right now. And turns out my ILP sweatshirt hanging in my closet was the perfect piece to do it with.

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Topics: Get Ready For Your ILP Trip, Tips For Your Twenties

Cutie (Free!) Templates For Your Bucket List Journal

Posted by Emily Henkel on 4/30/20 10:15 AM

We’ve got all the tips you need to make a notebook full of all the adventures you’ve yet to take. 

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Topics: All The Travel Tips, Tips For Your Twenties

The Easiest Ways For Students To Make Money

Posted by Emma Bench on 4/27/20 8:00 AM

Being in college is super fun but also super expensive. College students, here's how you can make some extra cash to help you out.

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Topics: Saving Money + Fundraising, Tips For Your Twenties

What Traveling Actually Does To Your Brain

Posted by Abbey Krzymowski on 2/27/20 1:48 PM

Have you ever spent time abroad and then woke up one morning and realized you felt...different? Or maybe you noticed a handful of subtle changes over a longer period of time? Well, here's what scientists are saying about how traveling abroad can actually change your brain.

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Topics: Tips For Your Twenties

Creative Ways To Track + Display Your Travels

Posted by Jen King on 2/19/20 10:30 AM

You're going to want a way to display your memories after traveling somewhere right?

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Topics: All The Travel Tips, Tips For Your Twenties

Your Guide On How To Grow Your Travel Instagram Account

Posted by Jen King on 2/18/20 6:30 AM

We've spent the last several years working on growing ours, and we've learned some tips along the way that we want to share with you!

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Topics: All The Travel Tips, Tips For Your Twenties

Free Wallpapers For Your iPhone

Posted by Jen King on 1/29/20 3:45 AM

I'm loving the fact that all of the cutest wallpapers out there are totally free.

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Topics: Tips For Your Twenties

Hey friends!

We are ILP, a Utah-based non-profit org that has service abroad opportunities for college-age volunteers. We love travel so we're sharing all our tips for making the most of your time living abroad + seeing the world, and how to do it all on the tiniest budget.

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