Ukraine has some of the most beautiful cathedrals around and this cute little city is full of them!
This is a favorite place for our ILP volunteers to visit during their semester abroad in Mexico. It's easy to get to (luckily so close to where ILP volunteers live!), crazy colorful, and has the best shopping. Many volunteers actually end up going more than once because they just can't get enough.
Topics: Central America
Posted by Auvi Evans on 4/21/19 12:01 PM
Getting ready for your semester volunteering abroad with International Language Programs (ILP)? There's a lot of unknowns when you're getting ready to live in a country you've never been to and we know it can be a little nerve wracking!
Here's a general outline of what typically happens the first few days of your semester — we'll be there to support you!
Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering
Trying to make a semester work out but aren't sure how to come up with the money you need? Fundraising is one way volunteers have funded most or all of their trip. We've had volunteers have luck with this cook off idea in the past and wanted to fill you in.
Topics: Get Ready For Your ILP Trip, Saving Money + Fundraising
Posted by Auvi Evans on 3/23/19 3:59 PM
Huasteca is a region in Mexico that ILP volunteers have raved about as a must visit, gorgeous place! Here's what you need to know so you can make this amazing trip happen during your own semester in Mexico!
Topics: Central America
Topics: Get Ready For Your ILP Trip, All About ILP + Volunteering, Saving Money + Fundraising, Africa
Budapest is one of the most beautiful cities around. We highly recommend visiting while traveling through Eastern Europe. Here's our guide to all things Budapest!
Spending a weekend in Brussels? Chocolate, waffles, and fries—oh my! Follow this guide and you'll quickly see why it's one of our favorite places!
Topics: Europe
Living on your own for the first time is new, exciting, and you'll learn way more than you could have imagined. Here are a few things I quickly learned my first time living on my own!
Topics: All About ILP + Volunteering, Tips For Your Twenties
Estonia isn't at the top of everyone's bucket list destinations, but after a few pictures, Tallinn, Estonia will steal your heart.
Topics: Europe
We are ILP, a Utah-based non-profit org that has service abroad opportunities for college-age volunteers. We love travel so we're sharing all our tips for making the most of your time living abroad + seeing the world, and how to do it all on the tiniest budget.