In Romania, volunteers spend their time in our orphanage program. While you're researching and deciding if you want to also volunteer in Romania, you might notice that you don't really see photos of those kids...why's that?
Didn't know we had an orphanage program?
Learn more about it here
Why Don't I See Many Pictures Of The Romanian Kids?
The orphanage program has asked that ILP volunteers do not share photos of the children that they work with. Actually, it's a pretty strict policy that the Romanian government has implemented.
Why? Well there are privacy factors. They are orphaned children and there really is no one to give consent. Makes sense right? But trust us...the kids there are the sweetest and the ILP volunteers really wish they could show you just how great they are.
Why Are There Some Photos On ILP's Website + Social Media Then?
You might see photos every once in awhile like this one...
We worked through the correct channels to receive special permission to take photos of the kids for our marketing purposes, to help you find out about our program and how you are needed in Romania. However, we always respect the government rules by never publishing photos that show any distinguishing features of the children. You'll never see their faces.
But even with the little that you do see of the kids in these pics, you can still feel their energy can't you? We love these kiddos and know you will too.
Hear It From The Volunteers
If we're limited on sharing photos, we love sharing stories ... and talk to any volunteer and they'll have plenty! The setup is Romania is so that you work 1-on-1 with "your" kids and that allows time for you to have some really personal experiences.
Here's what Emma, a past ILP volunteer had to say:
"The orphanage. My happy place ... After returning from our long vacation I got the sweetest welcome. Lucian was wheeled into the room after being outside and I’m not kidding I have never seen him smile so big before. Heck, I’ve never smiled that big before! It was a joyous reunion. The kids have opened up more and more the longer I’ve been here. Back in May I never would have believed if you told me that Natalia would be smiling and cooing at me in just a couple months. The girl who was always crying. Even Eugen is laughing and smiling so much and reaching out to touch me and letting me hold his hand. And Victor laughs so hard at me! I honestly have so much fun with them. I pretend to trip on Victor’s stroller wheel and it just cracks him up. I can make Tiberiu smile by massaging his head and laugh by tickling him. I can make Sorina smile by saying “te ieubesc” (I love you). Adriana will squeal and kick her legs at the first sign of music or singing. Eugen smiles giddily when I scoop my arm behind his back to pick him up. They all have their own ways of melting my heart!"
Interested in volunteering at a European orphanage?
We are now accepting applications to come join us in the orphanage program for your semester abroad! Each trip is about four months (similar to a semester at school) and that time allows you to really get to know the kids there and let the experience be a huge impact on your life. Click that button below to learn more about it.