ILP Blog

Volunteers Sum Up What An Semester Abroad Is Really Like

Written by Auvi Evans | 6/12/18 10:38 PM

Volunteering with International Language Programs (ILP) brings a lot of new experiences. Here's are some quotes from past ILP volunteers to help you see what you may experience during your semester abroad! Get ready to be jealous...

You'll experience adventure, happiness when you get to that bucket list place you've always wanted to visit, sadness when you have to say goodbye at the end of the trip, and so many other emotions. They all add to your trip and make it the most amazing time of your life!

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Here are what past volunteers have shared about their own experiences serving abroad-careful while reading these, you will fall in love with the kids and be ready to jump on a plane and head abroad to a country of your dreams. 

Keely A. shared the cutest little boy's picture saying:

"If only you could see his shoes, they're light up Spider-Man shoes that match his Spider-Man pose, because he's the biggest Spider-Man fan boy. And, good news, he told me his mom said he can move to Utah to be my neighbor!"

Just like Katie F., we'd be fine with a view like this and friends like this every day.

"Watched the sunset at an overlook of the whole city and it got me feeling so sentimental !! I'm incredibly grateful for this beautiful life I live with the best people!"

Ilyanna A. loves this cute kid she taught-her thoughts will make your heart burst. 

"Praying you continue learning English and grow up to be a good person and make something amazing out of your life and don't lose this picture or forget who I am. (I know the last part is a little unlikely but that's okay, just do the other stuff)I miss my cool cat, Tonkla, already!"

Grab some tissues... Kristen E. and her student are SO cute. 

"All my little students have impacted my life more than they will ever know. I love them with my whole heart, and I will never forget them. I have been dreading the day I had to say goodbye for a long time and here it is ... I will miss you forever"

Teacher Cam sums up her semester in this quote:

"2 1/2 years ago I applied to go live in Thailand and teach English to kindergarten kids ... I had no idea what I was getting myself into and never realized how much I would end up loving these kids. They taught me wayyy more than I could ever teach them and my heart is so full of love and gratitude for the amazing opportunity I had to get to know them and their amazing spirits! The endless laughs, cries, and hugs are something I will miss so much; seeing them open up and put all their trust in me is something I value a lot. They all hold such a big place in my heart and I miss them SO MUCH. So “peace” out Thailand and thank you St. Paul Kindergarten for making me Teacha Cam and changing my life these past 4 months, apart of me will always be there."

Briana A. shared what her perfect day is and we totally agree and would be fine if we could be in Paris always!

"A perfect day includes: purposely sitting next to English speakers so we can eavesdrop while eating our baguettes by the Eiffel Tower."

Rachael B. fell in love with he kids while volunteering in The DR and we totally see why! Talk about a bunch of cuties!

"How can you love someone so much, when you can’t even speak the same language? This has been such an incredible, difficult, life changing experience and I wouldn’t change it for anything. These kiddos will always have such a special place in my heart."

Nicaragua is quickly turning into one of our favorites (don't tell the other countries), and here's what Natilee A said:

"You ever have those moments where you just feel blessed beyond all measure to be where you are? Those are the feelings I’ve been overwhelmed with my entire trip."

Ready for your own trip abroad with ILP?

With countries all over the world you will find the perfect place for you and absolutely fall in love with the country and wonderful people you meet. 

Click the button to learn more about the ILP experience and what you can expect while volunteering.